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5 December, 2016

Once again, I’m blogging as a form of procrastination, trying to escape the stress. Whenever one completes a deadline, three new ones are added, and that combined with poor time management explains this stress. In a place such as MUWCI, it’s so easy to get lost in a daily routine and forget to simply step back, have some down time and remember why one came here in the first place. 


Sitting on what we call ‘the edge of the world’, I’m looking down on the valley. The sunset illuminates the mountain chain in a pale orange and yellow. Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean quite often, I wonder off into thoughts about why I’m here, why anyone thought I would deserve to be here, and above all what I came here to do. 


Life has continued normally, which at a UWC means a whirlwind, a flurry of activities, academics, social life and sleep deprivation. Incredible highlights, as well as several lows.

Last weekend, we had the Indian National Committee (INC) selections on campus. 300 Indian students camping on the pool lawn, going through the rigorous selection process. It was strange having them here, knowing I was in the same situation less than a year ago. Seeing their enthusiastic yet anxious faces. What was most surprising was that despite the facades people put on to impress you or the faculty, it took all of us less than a minute to see whether someone is UWC or not. Funny how even after such little time here, we’ve already gotten so familiar with UWC. 


Something else really exciting happened two weeks ago. MUWCI has a student organization / decision-making body called CA (college assembly). Three student representatives from each wada form the CA. We are divided into committees, and try addressing concerns or issues with the school. CA exists in order to give students a voice, and ensure our involved in decisions and changes that affect the entire college. After long thoughts, I decided to apply and ended up being elected by my Wada. I’m so thankful and excited to be a part of this, and this is one of the reasons I can’t wait for second term!


MUWCIlympics. We had been hearing this word since day one, never really understanding its meaning. This annual event happens every year, in the few weeks before Christmas break. It is a sports competition between all the 5 wadas of muwci. Two-weeks, non-stop competition and a minimum of one sport per day. In every sport, the wadas send a number of representatives. All the wadas get extremely competition, all having their own color, coming up with chants and many cheering and supporting when people play. Wada 4, my Wada won MUWCIlympics last year, meaning everyone here was especially eager to defend the title. The entire school, including faculty and the head of college, participate or come support, and MUWCIlympics basically dictates our lives for two full weeks. After adding points, the champions are revealed at Christmas dinner. 


My CAS have continued taking up most of my time, especially Kriyā. Kriyā: Empowerment Through Action is a student-run and faculty-led outdoor education initiative at MUWCI, trying to empower participants through genuine challenges in the outdoors. For the Kriyā Expedition, we take young women from rural Maharashtra on and incredible monthlong journey, a trek to the summit Stok Kangri (6,150m). Before that, we train with the girls several times a week and work towards fundraising enough money to send as many girls as possible on this incredible journey which has been transforming lives for three years in a row now. Being a part of it is one of my term 1 highlights. (check out the fundraising campaign )


December quickly crept up on me, and we have all started getting into the Christmas spirit. With Christmas songs playing in between classes, school-wide secret Santa and the upcoming Christmas dinner. Students lucky enough to receive parcels from home have shared food eaten at Christmas in their culture, and it has even gotten cold enough to enjoy some hot chocolate. 


I’m finally excited to return home, but until then, there's way too many deadlines, tests, and assessments that will definitely keep me busy…


Until next time, Namaste.


*Wiggles head*

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